Dear Friend, Due to my busy family and work schedule I have not been teaching Tai Ji for the last year or so but by popular demand we will resume classes once again. This time I will try a bit different format. Also, Chin Na (the art of joint grappling) will be...
Jwing-Ming Yang (Chinese: pinyin yáng jùn m?n) (born August 11, 1946) started his martial arts training at the age of fifteen under the Shaolin White Crane (Bai He) Master Cheng, Gin Gsao. In thirteen years of study (1961-1974) under Master Cheng, Dr. Yang became an...
Kung Fu and Tai Chi Silk Uniforms: Black or White Silk 100% herringbone-weave raw silk, pre-washed black trim and buttons. ***The new stronger and more durable herringbone silk fabric gets softer with each wash. All pants and tops are sized ‘long’. Some...
Dear Friends, From time to time I will be writing my thoughts on issues or situations that had helped shape the way that I do T’ai Chi. Here I will concentrate on leverage. This physical phenomenon cannot be adapted to self-defense without the help of the famous T’ai...
We meet twice a week for regular classes. Also every other Sunday advanced students meet for push hands study group and martial arts applications. Fees are $60 a month.