Dear Friend,


Due to my busy family and work schedule I have not been teaching Tai Ji for the last year or so but by popular demand we will resume classes once again. This time I will try a bit different format.
Also, Chin Na (the art of joint grappling) will be offered on those days.
Tai Ji – Tuesday Nights 6:00 to 7:00pm starting on August 21st (not much time left).
I will teach the entire Yang Style form in fifteen sessions        (13 class time and two make-up).


Chin Na – Tuesday Nights 7:15 to 8:15pm
  • Please call us for tuition and overall questions.
  • These are professional small format classes you may not just show up. Please call us first.
Many Blessings,


Scott Bray A.P.,L.A
407 658-1341
Acupuncture of East Orlando & Rehabilitation Services

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