Popular with the corporate crowd. These gentle exercises are based on the “8 pieces of Brocade” Chinese Qi Gong. It involves stretching the muscles and Acupuncture Meridians to Achieve relaxation and better organ function. great for morning exercise!
For those who do not seek alternative health care because do not understand how Oriental Medicine works. This workshop explains the diagnostic methods of the Acupuncturist based on real science. Then, in layman’s terms explain how different protocols work for...
This is a very intensive hands on seminar. It is tailored for those who want to learn techniques to the care of themselves utilizing natural health care. -Meditation, Nutrition, Moxibustion, Gwasha, Tuina (massage) and Herbs are discussed and experimented with
A set of exercises designed to help and treat slipped, bulging or herniated discs while also massaging back muscles. These exercises are based on Chinese Qi Gong and Acupuncture principles
In addition to acupuncture, we offer: Electro treatment of acupuncture points – without needles Tuina – a very effective deep tissue massage Cupping Moxibustion Herbal medicine Nutritional and lifestyle counseling Therapeutic...